Scientists are always curious to explore into the great depths of the universe. They always think about how vast the system is and there is absolutely no end to it. We have gathered a number of great planet discoveries made by scientists in the Space department lately.
Rugby Shaped Planet
ESA just recently discovered this rugby ball shaped globe. The planet is also said to be larger than any globe existing in the solar system. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter and this planet exceeds its boundaries as well. The satellites captured constant gravitational tugging on the star, which by the way is the reason of its rugby like shape as well.
AB Aurigae b
Another exciting addition to the big planet family is the AB Aurigae b. Unquestionably the most interesting fact about this star is that its still in process of being formed. Scientists discovered this work in process star just recently. Its believed to be a massive planet as it can even outsize Jupiter, which is the most huge globe in the solar system.
Proxima B
This exoplanet lies in the zone of the star, Proxima Centauri. Proxima Centauri the closest star to the sun. Scientists just latterly discovered this planet alongside many other potential prospects as well. Proxima b has a very similar mass to Earth. Scientists also believe that its probably the most liveable exoplanet out of the solar system.
Super Neptune
The name ‘Super Neptune’ suggests its slightly bigger size than the actual planet Neptune. Astronomers and Scientists say that its a planet with water vapours roaming around its environment. Scientists also revealed that this stars atmosphere and surroundings are much easier to observe and work on than the others. Its total distance from Earth is 150 light years.
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