A couple of days back, Apple unveiled their new lineup for the year. The all new iPhone 14 was launched during a special Apple event. During the same event, the tech company stated that the phone would start shipping September 9 onwards. However, the case is different today.
Many customers have reported issues whilst placing pre-orders and some further claimed that it’s impossible to place orders right now. When they try to place a pre-order for the iPhone 14 models, customers face unknown issues in the Apple Store app or the online Apple store. Trying to reload the page might do the trick but it looks highly unlikely right now as well.
Some customers even reported that shipping dates for iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max have also been pushed back. Now it seems that iPhone 14, 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max will start getting shipped from September 16. Similarly, iPhone 14 Plus will start its shipping procedure from October 7.
iPhone 14 Models Will Get Shipper In November?
Some of those who were lucky will receive their pre-ordered iPhones on September 16. However, there still remain many customers who either couldn’t place down orders or are facing shipping dates much later than September 16. Experts and leakers are advising them to place down their orders in the first half of October.
It should be mentioned that the same cases have been reported in Canada. Almost all iPhone 14 models won’t commence shipping earlier than October. On top of all, Chinese customers are the ones at the worst end. They are expected to receive their iPhone’s in the first half of November.